Maintaining Beautiful Skin

Maintaining Beautiful Skin
Here at Poppy we believe glowing, natural looking skin is the most beautiful. We also understand that sometimes it can be a bit hard with changing weather, daily stressors and even today's challenge of mask wearing to achieve that flawless look. Here are 5 tips for achieving your most beautiful skin: 
  1. Stay Hydrated:  Aim to have at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water a day which helps maintain critical moisture balance of the body and skin.
  2. Exfoliate Regularly: Exfoliating regularly allows for brighter, smoother skin which helps remove dulling skin debris and piled up dead cells. It is essential to use a gentle cleanser that will not dry you out.
  3. Check Makeup Ingredients: Make sure that your makeup is non-comedogenic (without pore-clogging ingredients).
  4. Wear Sunscreen: Protect your skin with sunscreen by re-applying every 2 hours. Sunscreen protects your skin from UV rays, and reduces the appearance of sun damage .
  5. Use Poppy Twice A Day:  This one's a no brainer. Poppy provides so many great ingredients to hydrate, smooth and nourish your skin. Regular use will help brighten your skin and give you that healthy glow. 

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